Monday, 29 December 2014

Effective Approach for Social Media Content Writing & Marketing

Should I have to repeat once again that content is king? Not at all. Every point of discussion and promotion require quality materials to culture up on. When it is all about internet marketing, we can see how things are getting diversified. I mean to say, once everything was around website copies and blogs, now it is social media. 

People spend their time and vent their experiences about anything through social networks. Accumulating users in social networks, we can find millions sharing their thoughts among friend circle. 

So it is obvious that businesses would like to have their strong presence in those networks. Almost all the companies have Facebook pages and twitter handles to build strong customer connections.

Well, was not all what I said above known facts to you? Yes, that is for sure. What exactly you are scanning around is how should be the content when those are meant exclusively for the social media? The answer to this query is already known to you! Let me tell you how…

Remember the purpose of social networking – All of us know why people create accounts in different social networks. They at first hand want to create friend circle. They like to know what friends are up to. What update they are missing about their friends. So you have to keep in mind that your content for the social media should not have a direct sales approach. It has to be in the tone of update. Even if you want to sell your product through social media, do not share anything in selling tone. It would hardly work.

Precision is the best decision – When you share some feelings of your through Twitter or Facebook do you tend to elaborate? In most of the occasions you put a sentence or half of it with some emoticons. Similarly you need to mind the heading of the content you want to share through social platform. A brief on what you like to share is enough with a link to take the viewers to your page. Catchy should be the heading and few lines to interest your readers.

Forget to talk, better show – I have till date only 1000+ friends, you could have more than that or even less. Can you tell me what a particular friend wrote in his or her update? However, a share with some image always sticks in mind (at least for a few hours). So whenever you are adding some content to be shared with friends, do not forget to attach at least a single image (needs to be relevant) to get noticed by people. An info-graphic can be a good thing. And yes, people like to watch videos. If you have some content ready with video, do share in social networks.  

Being on time and up to dateTell me one more thing, do you check posts or topic that is stale? Everybody is so fast that a single thing happens, it gets shared in seconds. So your content should be delivering something hot and fresh. If you have something in mind and that is new, share it fast. Exploit occasions to put forward your business related ideas (if at all you are in business generation mood).

Placing old wine in new bottle Everybody is sharing their thoughts or points through social media. Think why should your content be read or taken attention at? Representation and styling approach must show your posing is different than others (in business different than competitors). If others imitate you, it is your victory for sure. Create separate page or use # tag to get your things found fast.

Giving importance to people - Your account is having either lots of friends/followers or few ones. But mentioning your friends via tagging or other means so that they get interested and influenced by your approach. If possible announce some offers to a few. Your content would be automatically shared. It is a hidden way of affiliate marketing, isn't it?

Do not try anything once in a blue moon -
Creating a lineup based approach is the best process to make people understand you and get interested to know what is next. It is not that you have suddenly created something and placing it on the platter. For everything we have a plan and working on that we get success. Same thing needs to be done in placing anything on social media. To create some noise, you should have started hinting out earlier. On the other hand, keep on feeding your viewers slowly with linked and regular approach.

Well, if these points are kept in mind while creating content and sharing (marketing) the same in social media, success rate has to be high. I have tried to follow these and I can tell you one thing, my initiatives are never a failure. You try it and tell me if I missed something.

Thanks for images:; ; : ; ; ; ;