Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Let’s Start a New Life – My life with Insulin – Shifting Gear from Type 2 to Type 1 Diabetes

First of all, let me pray to God for not cursing anybody with Diabetes! Once you come under the grip of silent killer – diabetes, your entire life changes dramatically and drastically. You are not any more a common man – you are special.  What the specialty is about? In simple words, you are no longer someone to dare a life with ‘I don’t care.’ What till date your elders have been advising to lead a balanced life, now you have to learn to balance every step you take in your life.

However, it is needless to say that there are two types of life with diabetes – one Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes. In Type 1 you are born insulin dependent as your body does not produce Insulin. On the other hand, in Type 2, you first get detected with insulin resistance or deficiency, afterwards, you find your body stops producing insulin.

Everything is in your hand- You can lead a happy life with a remote control in your hand

I am not writing this piece to discourage my reader! I am trying to tell you some facts that I have experienced and I strongly feel that I must share these with to let readers be aware of the truth; I have seen only few blogs or information is available on the truth of a life with insulin.

Well, as I have said the remote control is in your hand and you can lead a happy life, I am no way joking. Let me point out a few scenes/scenarios that I am dealing within a few days of starting insulin:

A strong hunger anytime – In my Type 2 situations, hunger was there but it was not that much strong! I could wait to get the food ready. But now I start to feel shivering in my body and it does not stop until I take a dose of sucrose/glucose – may be chocolates, a glass of sugarcane juice, glucose syrup, direct sugar or the likes to restore sugar level in my body fast. Sometimes you feel extreme dry throat and even water does not help until glucose restores to a balanced level. 

A strict timing in meals – The moment I went to my doctor complaining about these hunger and dry throat, he confirmed to start insulin after seeing the rising level of sugar in blood, as the report shows. Now, he told me to be very careful in taking foods and timing of the meals. He told that the morning should start with a dose of insulin and then there can be one and half hours break to have something again. These should be snacks to avoid empty stomach. Now I can see what an uncontrollable situation arrives when I miss this schedule. The dinner is followed by another dose of insulin.

A sudden drop of blood glucose at night – You have to stay prepared to face low level of sugar (hypoglycemia) at night. While you are sleeping, suddenly you wake up to feel sweating and hunger and little delay to take a dose of glucose leads to shivering again. So it is better to keep some food ready to take immediately after you wake up in those situations.

What to expect from a life with insulin as its inseparable part

Trust me, life is always easy and comfortable when you start taking insulin. After telling you the above situation, you must be laughing to hear such comment! But these situations are much better conditions than what could have been worse without taking insulin. As you know, diabetes is a silent killer when it controls your life, Insulin stops it from snatching your happy journey to a smooth exit at a desired time.

A side-effective free treatment- There are so many side-effects of taking oral medications for longer time. But insulin never does the same. It wound not hurt your organs and decrease their efficiency by pressurizing their activity. 

Smooth life controlled in style-  Yes, once insulin starts, you begin to feel absence of the dozy and dizziness with tired conditions. Such situations used to come when you are not with insulin and most of the times it occurs after having some food. The extra amount of glucose running in your blood creates such condition. If your dose of insulin is proper, you can avoid such uneasy feeling. 

Tension free life against sudden imbalanced blood glucose – In a life with insulin, you are on controlled diabetes. You do not have to take tension of what is happening inside your body – the damaging effects of excess glucose running in your blood. Insulin kills the extra glucose at the maximum level. Sudden rise or fall of glucose stops within a few days after your body responses to new entity (insulin) from the outside.  

There is nothing to conclude as life with insulin moves smoothly…

As I told in the beginning, this is not a blog piece only, it is true experience to be shared in parts, I would like to tell you things as those comes to me in near future. I would like to update this piece after an interval when more shareworthy information piles up and I can steal some time to write from my hectic professional life. But I promise to share more in the next slots. There may be some other things to share in this blog, till date I personally requesting you to come out of the unnecessary tension that disturbs your life with diabetes. Believe me your life is going to change when you are leading a life with insulin…
To stay informed about diabetes, you may visit:

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